
"And I say to you: the people of my home and my region of Appalachia have enormous worth and dignity. And I love them and will stand by them for as long as I live."

Jack Spadaro

Mine Safety and Health Expert Consultant

Mine safety and health and environmental engineer, Jack Spadaro, has a 55+ year career enforcing federal and state mine safety and health standards. He has written and overseen the implementation of health and safety regulations designed to protect miners and other employees in the workplace. He has developed training programs for federal and state mine safety inspectors and has served as the Director of the U.S. Department of Labor’s National Mine Health and Safety Academy. Mr. Spadaro has also developed and enforced federal and state environmental standards related to both surface and underground mining operations. He continues to serve as an expert witness and consultant in mine health and safety litigation and environmental matters. He has been qualified as an expert witness in federal district courts in West Virginia, Virginia, and Kentucky since 1977. He has been qualified as an expert witness in state circuit courts in eleven states. See the attached resume for details regarding Mr. Spadaro’s areas of expertise.

Jack Spadaro

“I have been committed to ensuring the safety of miners and mining communities since I began my career in 1966. I have been involved in the investigations of mining disasters including the Farmington, Sago, Buffalo Creek, and Upper Big Branch disasters. My work following these experiences has always been an attempt to improve conditions in both underground and surface mines as well as surrounding populated areas.”

Mine safety and health and environmental expert Jack Spadaro has dedicated his life to improving health and safety conditions in mines throughout the United States. He is among the nation's leading experts in mine health and safety and the environmental hazards related to mining. Jack was a young engineer when he was involved in the investigations of the Farmington and Buffalo Creek mining disasters. He has since spent nearly 55 years in public service, developing and enforcing guidelines to protect miners and their communities from life-threatening safety and environmental hazards.


Jack Spadaro at the US Supreme Court


Jack Spadaro and Daniel Ellsberg at Union of Concerned Scientist Awards Ceremony


Jack Spadaro,
PO Box 442,
Hamlin WV 25523
Home phone: 304-824-3589
Cell phone: 681-390-3320