Jack Spadaro


Underground Mining Operations in Northern, W.Va.

Mine safety and health and environmental expert Jack Spadaro has dedicated his life to improving health and safety conditions in mines throughout the United States. He is among the nation's leading experts in mine health and safety and the environmental hazards related to mining. Jack was a young engineer when he was involved in the investigations of the Farmington and Buffalo Creek mining disasters. He has since spent nearly 55 years in public service, developing and enforcing guidelines to protect miners and their communities from life-threatening safety and environmental hazards.

I provide consulting services and expert witness services to attorneys, labor unions, companies, and organizations involving the health and safety of miners in surface and underground coal and metal/non-metal mines and mineral processing facilities on a national basis. I also provide consulting services regarding storm water runoff and surface and underground mine environmental conditions related to water quality, ground water systems, mine waste and tailings areas, surface drainage control facilities, and stability of coal refuse dams, mine tailings areas, and valley fills.
I provide expertise in the application of the Mine Safety and Health Act to clients needing advice and knowledge of the federal regulations and industry standards related to mine worker health and safety. I also provide services regarding the Federal Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA) and the Clean Water Act. I have testified in state courts regarding flooding and storm water runoff related to surface mining operations, gas and oil well construction sites, housing developments, highway construction, valley fills, landslides, dams, mining waste areas, and drainage control structures.
More About Jack Spadaro
Jenco Foundation Speech
My Resume
Summary of Completed Cases


Jack Spadaro,
PO Box 442,
Hamlin WV 25523
Home phone: 304-824-3589
Cell phone: 681-390-3320